
Explore the depths of your being


Libby – A walk through the Liminal

Libby takes us by the hand, walks us through, and intimately guides us into the realm of psyche, the realm of soul, that liminal space where we can connect into a deeper and broader sense of who we are and where we come from.

She speaks to the poet and the mystic in each of us, the one that dares to descend, the one that yearns for connection, but ultimately the one that knows.

As she threads in wisdom from both the imaginal and the embodied realms, she helps us to remember. To re-member. She helps us to become reacquainted with the magical, with the mystical, but also with the darkness, the mystery, the shadow.

With Libby we remember that we are everything, that we are intimately intertwined with the entirety of existence, with the aching reality of the exquisite agony of being here, where poetry and magic inevitably coexist with brutality and despair.

Libby holds this. She holds this line from a place of embodied acceptation, from an inner knowing that she must, because it matters. Because it matters for us to be able to turn to darkness and uphold the glimmer, because it matters that we can still encounter joy amidst a world that is in calamity. 

Because she cares. And this is the essential thing. It hurts to care so much. And what do we do with that? Do we turn away and blind ourselves in a falsity of beauty and loveliness or do we turn towards the sacred ache and bear witness to it to such a degree that it becomes a thing of real beauty. Of service. Of belonging.

Thank you Libby for holding this degree of entirety in you and for showing us the way. Through your storytelling, your guardianship and your showing up, again and again and again.


Libby takes you on a journey. I took part in a guided meditation and expressive movement practice which allowed me to navigate deep waters within myself, allowing me to explore and uncover parts of myself I had forgotten about. She creates a safe, nurturing and creative space – which I am very grateful for .


I’ve always been so unconfident with yoga and never felt at ease with group practice, but Libby’s one to one and group classes have completely changed that. Her way of teaching is so calming and reassuring, and it’s made me start the day with such good intentions and energy. My body positivity has improved but most importantly my mental health. Having gone through some huge shifts during these recent unsettling times, as a lot of people are also experiencing, Libby’s yoga has grounded me and been a huge comfort and support. Thank you, Libby, for warmly guiding me into the world of yoga.


Libby instantly puts you at ease within seconds of being in her presence. Her yoga lessons are so absolutely joyful and leave me feeling happier for the rest of the day. Thank you Libby.


Libby’s yoga classes are a ray of positivity! I struggle to find yoga teachers who I can practice with, who put me at ease and explain the moves in a way that I can follow. I’m still fairly new to yoga, but Libby leads classes that people with all sorts of different bodies, flexibilities and practices can follow. I come away from her classes feeling grounded and ready to face the day’s challenges. And her wonderful nature seems to emanate, instilling a sense of calm and acceptance that I can carry with me throughout my day. 


If you want to truly switch off and access your inner state of free movement and play, Libby’s selkie practice will take you there. The way Libby guides you through, from start to finish, is nourishing and exciting at the same time. I felt like I could be a 9 year old girl again, I felt like I could allow myself to be held and guided and just fall into enjoyment. Libby’s storytelling is soft, gentle yet exciting and intriguing. A beautiful story with plenty of space to feel into your own understanding and imagination- thank you Libby.


I wanted to tell you how amazing it’s been to meet you – your yoga classes have been a breath of fresh air for me, you’re so brilliant at reading the room and making us practice in the best manner. Also, I love yoga, but I often feel a bit out of place when attending a class but I never did in your classes, so thank you so much for this. In short, Libby you’re brilliant!


I have attended pretty much every online class Libby has run during the Coronavirus lockdown and I believe she has saved me in such a strange time that we are all living in! Libby brings such warmth and fun into yoga whilst also helpfully describing body positioning which is beneficial especially for online classes. It has given me more confidence in poses that I have been doing for years and my strength and flexibility have improved. More importantly than that, I feel like my general mental health and outlook is more focused and positive and would highly recommend Libby to beginners and advanced yogis alike. The themed dance classes are also a great way to start the weekend! Thank you so much Libby, I’m so grateful! 

Every class of Libby’s that I’ve attended has been so carefully thought out and beautifully delivered. Libby shares her deep understanding of yoga and psychology in each lesson and helps you to fully engage with each position and its benefits. Her passion for yoga shines through in each class and I always leave feeling fulfilled. Libby has a gift for making classes just the right level of challenging and relaxing. Lip sync yoga classes are THE best way to start your Saturdays, or any-days and I’m so grateful to her for creating such a lovely yoga community during these wobbly times. Thank you Libby 


Libby’s practice was an invitation into the imaginal; an adventure into something fantastical but so intimately visceral at the same time. I felt held by a field both of power and fragility, and my heart and mind transported into and beyond the depths of my form. I still feel the ripples of the waves of the session some days later. She is truly magical and one of a kind, my selkie sister. I was in awe.



Libby’s online yoga classes have finally helped me create a yoga routine I am happy to stick with, week after week. I’ve learnt so much about different styles of yoga from her and love that she blends her own style with traditional practices. I also appreciate how much detail she gives about how each pose should feel and how small adjustments within poses help specific areas of your body. I feel like I’m not only learning about yoga but also learning more about my own body and what it can do. Thank you, Libby!


I had the great fortune of meeting Libby years ago in the UK, and am luckier still to be back in touch with her now. Her beautiful energy, which she has shared with us all throughout the Covid-19 lockdown, has beamed into our home via Zoom for the last few weeks and has genuinely transformed the whole experience of this pandemic. Daily practice is something I’ve aspired to but never managed; all of a sudden I am part of this wonderful community that meets every morning and I couldn’t be more grateful. Through Libby’s practices I am pushing myself harder and increasing my core strength and flexibility, but importantly I’m finding it easier with each passing day to carve out space for loving myself too. There is something for everyone across vinyasa, hatha and yin and there are always options for varying levels. On top of all this each class comes with giggles, insanely brilliant outfits and on Saturdays, themes and music. Thanking the universe regularly for Libby Waite!


I started doing yoga with Libby online during “lockdown”. Libby is a beacon of joy and positivity, every morning she brightens up my day! I had a very profound, strengthening and enlightening experience during one of her classes. This really helped me during such a challenging time. Libby is an excellent teacher, and I am learning a lot about the connection between yoga and spirituality through her. Kali fingers baby! 


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