Union of the Anima & Animus
An exploration of two of the key Archetypes of the Jungian Psyche.
This programme involves a journey into the Anima and Animus and a deep embracement of the light and shadow elements of both Archetypes. There are four embodiment sessions, where we use yoga to invoke the Anima and Animus through our practices and find ways to dance with both. This programme encourages deep self-inquiry to help you recognise which elements of both may have been suppressed. By actively courting both you will learn to celebrate the beauty of the Anima and Animus, as they fall in love with one another in your soul.
What will you receive?
Four yoga sessions
Four embodiment sessions where we actively invite the Anima and the Animus in, finding ways to balance our inner dance of both. Each session has its own soundtrack. 75-90 mins per session.
You will receive videos explaining both the Anima and the Animus: who they are and how they are often misunderstood. Their link to yogic philosophy will be explained.
Journal prompts
You will also receive journalling prompts to help you explore which elements of the Anima and Animus may have been inwardly suppressed.
There will be tips and tools to help you integrate these Archetypes as you continue to work with them.