Terrains of Truth
Somatic Explorations of Self

Four movement practices to bring you home.

Terrains of Truth invites you to touch deeply into your cells, kidneys, lungs and heart. Every exploration seeks to deepen your embodied awareness, cultivate freedom, and speak from a place of truth. Each 75-minute practice offers a unique combination of visualisation, asana and free movement.

Return to the truth of who you are,
how you move through this world
and how it moves through you. 

Cellular Pulse

Sink to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, into the dark centre of your cellular intelligence.

Unconditional Kidneys

Float on the still waters of the Dead Sea and find the unconditional support of your Grandmother organs.

Primeval Lungs

Let the primeval forest of your lungs transform you. Remember what was sacrificed when we walked out of the woods.

Perpetual Heart

Your heart is the power that pumps lava from volcanoes, the centre of your humanness. It calls you home, and sets you free, into the infinite.

Terrains of Truth: Somatic Explorations of Self

Journey to different landscapes of your internal world to discover, connect and move from different terrains of truth across these four movement practices.

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